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Joplin High School EAGLE FLEX Alternative Diploma
The State of Missouri provides school districts with the opportunity to create alternative programming options for students in their junior and/or senior year of high school. Joplin High School offers students who enroll in the EAGLE FLEX Alternative Diploma Program an opportunity to earn a high school diploma by meeting certain requirements. Twenty-four units of credit are required for completion of the program.

Students participating in the program will be considered full-time students of the school district and will:

  • Be offered a non-traditional educational path towards earning a high school diploma
  • Be required to meet a 95% attendance rate
  • Have the skills necessary to pursue job opportunities through career awareness activities and job training activities
  • Successfully complete courses to meet minimum state diploma requirements by the end of the student’s senior year, and acquire 24 units of credit to earn a diploma.

Credits earned by students during their 9th and 10th grade years will be merged with credits earned during their junior and senior year in the FLEX program. Students will be able to earn up to 4 core/career education credits per year in a competency-based system (one each of math, science, English, social studies, and/or career education).
Students can also earn up to 5 credits of work experience based on their individual personal plan of study. Students can earn more credits per year than traditional schooling, depending on their ability to work in a computer-aided and competency-based system.

Students are referred to the FLEX program through their counselor and/or grade level principal.